Cherish the Small Moments

I am a massive believer in the importance to appreciate the little things in life in order to be grateful and happy. I am making a promise to myself to ‘Cherish the Small Moments’ more and document as many as I can right here, on my blog. They will be a collection of short stories focused on the good times in my life. Looking back over these stories, I hope I can be more grateful about how lucky I am to have so many amazing people in my life and be offered so many amazing opportunities. To kick start this category of my blog, I have decided to list 30 little things I love (because I just looooove lists) 🙂

30 Little Things I Love

  1. Lists (you guessed it)
  2. Watching my bright orange fish swim around their pond, contrasting to the brown rocks
  3. Writing and just recently, blogging
  4. Tattoos with hidden meanings
  5. Fairy lights
  6. Scars, stretch marks and beauty spots
  7. Lush products, especially their bath bombs
  8. Glittery eye makeup
  9. Christmas decorations
  10. Soaking up the sun whilst reading a book, preferably lying on my mandala 😉
  11. Planning outfits, or even better, Halloween costumes
  12. Walks
  13. Blasting music on my speaker
  14. Smiling strangers
  15. Giving random compliments and making someone smile
  16. Binge watching tv shows with friends
  17. Picnics
  18. Finding a really, really good book and not being able to put it down
  19. Laughing about nothing with my crazy little cousins
  20. Peanut butter on toast
  21. Positive body image beliefs
  22. Overly buttery popcorn
  23. Becoming attached to fictional characters
  24. Having a cold shower after a long, hard swim
  25. Washing out conditioner to reveal silky smooth hair
  26. The sound of rain
  27. Cute stationary items
  28. Organising  drawers and shelves
  29. Freshly washed sheets
  30. Tea, especially from T2

I hope you’re looking forward to hearing about the memorable small moments in my life as much as I’m looking forward to writing them 🙂

– Wish and Wonder Girl xxxx

3 thoughts on “Cherish the Small Moments

  1. This is such a cute and happy lil list! I love it!
    Plus the bonus 5 since you said 25 things but you listed 30 XD either way it’s an awesome post!


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